Welcome! We are the first organization in Malaysia to conduct Chenshi Taijiquan ( Chen Style taichi ) classes. Our classes at Thean Hou Temple in Kuala Lumpur ( KL ) is a famous teaching center in the country.
Taijiquan ( taichi ) is the most popular martial art ( wushu ) practiced in the world now. The Chenshi Taijiquan ( Chen Style taichi ) is offcially accepted as the original form of Taijiquan.
我们的总教练陈建德师父, 认真修炼陈式太极拳多年, 並获得中国河南(陈家沟)太极拳年会颁发名师级认证, 可谓实至名歸。
多年以來,我们的学员超过千人, 可说是桃李滿门.
当中不乏学有所成,在比赛中取得好成绩. 也有不少前学员在别处成了教练, 继续传授以让更多的人认识陈式太极拳这内外双修的武术,增强功力,提升健康.
国内许多的陈式太极拳学习中心,都可追溯到與本会的关系. 我们也有在Taman Desa, 雪兰莪 USJ Subang, Seri Kembangan 开班.
Our chief Sifu, Accredited Chenshi Taijiquan Master, Mr Chan Kim Tuck, has been practicing and researching Chenshi Taijiquan for many years. He has been awarded the title of "Master" in the China Henan (Chenjiagou) Annual Taijiquan Assembly.
Throughout the years, we have trained thousands of student and many of them achieved good results in major competition events.
Many former students have started their own teaching centers in the country and making it easier for the people to learn the Chenshi Taijiquan.
We also conduct Taijiquan ( taichi ) classes in Selangor in USJ Subang, Seri Kembangan and in Taman Desa.
You are welcome to come and learn, practice and share Chenshi Taijiquan ( Chen Style taichi ) with us.